Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Very First Time

(Originally posted on Friendster. Thought it might be better to move it and subsequent postings to blogspot.)

Okay, so everybody and his mother has a blog and that means I should have one too (and since when did bad logic go out of fashion).

This isn't my first attempt. During an aborted trip to Canada last summer, I started one in blogspot and was on a roll. I even had "Blame Canada" as my title (South Park BLU movie song) and i thought it particularly witty. On to my third paragraph, power outage hit the office and just like that, all three paragraphs of literary brilliance and erudite sensibility went to the ether and nether of the wide wide web. Consider that a portent of things to come and sure enough, the trip didn't push through. I had to stay and work that summer. My friends did go and yes, I'm sure they didn't enjoy the trip, Canada ain't that, the mosquitoes are big, the food is bad, and the electronics are expensive anyway.

Now, does anyone really bother reading blogs? I would think that trawling the web for blog postings is a rather pathetic way of wasting perfectly good internet bandwidth (should be used to download pirated music and vids, noh?), but in friendster's case, they can make it available only within your circle of friends, so i suppose there is that element of strengthening alliances in reading them - you were friends then, and reading each other's blogs now makes you even better friends, not?

Would you like to read what I think of Trinoma, Fantastic 4 and Die Hard 4? I guess not. And so you won't. Because I will not write about them. So what will I write about? Frankly, I have the faintest idea. I'm pleased enough that on a slow noon, on my lunch break, i got to post four paragraphs without eugenio lopez going down on me.


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